Sunday, February 19, 2012

Little Red - Expanding Chests

This assignment was to find a cartoon that included Little Red Riding Hood. Instead of going to Google Images, I went to YouTube, just to see some funny stuff. I came across this video and decided I just had to use it. It's 100%, absolutely, ridiculously unheard of crazy.

This video is an advertisement, so the statement it is making is not social or political, but instead economic. I like that. The company's goal is to sell more products. However, instead of showing how amazing their product is, they go for the humor angle. We see this every day in commercials for Bud Light, Dorito's, etc - every time a certain product with laughter, or another positive emotion, we are more likely to buy that product.
Here, the company uses Little Red as an innocent girl at first. She is wandering through the forest, and she is so kind and gentle that all the animals come out to join her. A song begins, and she dances along with the animals. The overall feeling of the ad is cutesy, and overall not all that interesting.
However, we come to the line which translates roughly to "expanding chests," and we see that the animals that have joined Little Red have incredibly large busts. This is a play on words because "expanding chests" is an expression similar to "warming hearts." The ad is thus making two jokes at once: it is using the expression as a play on words, and it is showing animals with over-sized bosoms.
Then at the end, we see a male animal with equally large testes. This is an attempt to leave the viewer with one last laugh - as much to Red's reaction as to anything else.
This video is effective because it is emotionally stimulating. When one watches this ad one may laugh, or one may shake one's head in disapproval; however one does not watch this ad and not react.

A subtitled version is below. Bet you can't guess what kind of company this is.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

That is terrible, terrible, terrible. And not G rated either. I didn't see the subtitles, so I have no clue what they are actually advertising, but judging from the icon at the end, it looked like some sort of telecommunications company.